
Recent vlog in which Isla Vista murderer Elliot Rodger discusses his “living hell”

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2 Responses to Recent vlog in which Isla Vista murderer Elliot Rodger discusses his “living hell”

  1. Heywood Jablowme May 24, 2014 at 9:28 am #

    (S)He’s just a rich oppressed victim of society…Boo fuckin’ hoo!

  2. Jonnyboy May 24, 2014 at 12:09 pm #

    I grew up with a lot less, and girls don’t like me. But what does it matter if girls like you or not? I don’t get emotional about it, I went to school and focused on other things. Not having lots of bitches around can be a blessing in disguise. You really get a chance to really focus on making yourself.

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