
WHAT HAVE WE BEEN TELLING YOU FOR YEARS? University of Phoenix owner gets out as 50,500 students flee

The University of Phoenix lost 50,500 students last year, and now its parent company is selling.

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2 Responses to WHAT HAVE WE BEEN TELLING YOU FOR YEARS? University of Phoenix owner gets out as 50,500 students flee

  1. Sebastian Hawks February 13, 2016 at 12:09 pm #

    Took a computer class for pennies at the local community college. The teacher warned the students not to get involved with these correspondence schools: “When we hear get an job application from someone with one of those ‘online degrees’ it goes straight into the garbage can.”

  2. Karen March 18, 2016 at 5:14 pm #

    I agree with you. I’ve worked in human resources. They don’t take it seriously at all. I attended my local J C and transferred to a university as a business major. It’s cheaper.

    Everytime I hear someone say they’re going to one of these schools I’m like really? What they’re not saying is that a lot of people can’t pass the course work at real universities. These schools admit ANYBODY.

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