
THIS VIDEO IS WAYYYYYYYYY TOO FUNNY! Tom Leykis Is An Enigma Wrapped In A Riddle

Pray for me…

16 Responses to THIS VIDEO IS WAYYYYYYYYY TOO FUNNY! Tom Leykis Is An Enigma Wrapped In A Riddle

  1. raymondcurtis September 4, 2014 at 11:10 am #

    Only thing worse than a huge pussy is a huge pussy who blindly follows the “word” of Jesus

  2. Danny September 4, 2014 at 11:45 am #

    What the fuck is this guy talking about. I don’t think I’ve ever even heard Tom talk about any specific girl in high school yet alone pining over them. I bet this guy listened to about maybe 20 minutes of your show and the rest is from word of mouth. Fuck this puto, you didn’t go to Talkers 2014 because you’re a nobody. This guy will never have the guts to talk to you.

    • Tom Leykis September 4, 2014 at 7:33 pm #

      Or correct his misstatements of fact.

  3. Jim September 4, 2014 at 12:39 pm #

    Tom, correctly if I’m wrong but I remember you saying that happiness is not having to answer to the man. I think you even emphasized that happiness is not material possessions.

  4. Scotch September 4, 2014 at 12:55 pm #

    Why is he asking Jesus to touch you? Seems a bit inappropriate if you ask me.

  5. Rob Rennie September 4, 2014 at 5:04 pm #

    Dear Tom,

    Some of your listeners found a YouTube video of mine entitled, ‘Tom Leykis Is An Enigma Wrapped In A Riddle’ and are now wanting me to call in your show to tell you what I said in the video to your face.

    While being placed on hold for an hour by your call-screener sounds like a lot of fun, I’d rather write you an email.

    What I said in the video was that you appear bitter because you don’t seem to be over what a lot of the young ladies did or said to you at a young age, almost like you’re holding a grudge against them for snubbing you back when you were thirteen.

    In fact, I heard you say on the air that sleeping with eighteen and twenty-year-olds at the age you are now is almost like a ‘sweet revenge’ for the behavior you put up with back then.

    So in the video, because I could relate to once being bitter against women myself, I said I would pray for you so that you would forgive those girls that hurt you back when you were a youngster.

    Somehow, this message hit a nerve with some of your listeners, who apparently think that you’re a ‘god’ yourself and therefore don’t require anyone’s prayers.

    Others wanted me to call in to debate you on why men SHOULD get married in today’s day and age. That’s a conversation I would love to have on your show if you would be so kind to invite me on.

    Anyhow, I do a radio show called, ‘The Eternal Planner’ if you ever wanted to check it out. It’s at eternalplanner.com


    Rob Rennie

    • Tom Leykis September 4, 2014 at 7:32 pm #

      Your video is full of actionable misstatements of fact including your claim that I tell men to sleep with “16 and 17-year-olds,” something that I have specifically and repeatedly said NOT to do. I have also never, ever said that “women rejected (me) in high school.” It’s not true and I never said any such thing. But that didn’t stop you from saying it in your video. As a “Christian,” you should go back to “the bible” and see what it says about slandering someone or lying. My listeners are angry for more than one reason, and so am I.

      • Rob Rennie September 5, 2014 at 7:55 pm #

        Hey Tom, here’s my video message to you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap-WZh23AU0

        Please let me know that you’ve received it and once again, I’m sorry that I said you advocate young men sleep with 16 and 17 year olds. You never said that and I do apologize.

        I’ve taken down the first video I made.

        -Rob Rennie

  6. Ray September 4, 2014 at 8:58 pm #

    Lets see this ODD BALL, doesn’t do his RESEARCH, Claims TOM to have KIDS or NOT!!
    And telling his listeners to sleep around with YOUNG GURLS.!!! This GUY is a ATTENTION WHORE and NEEDS

  7. Protocol Medium September 5, 2014 at 1:27 am #

    I don’t ever want to have the religious debate with Tom. Millions of Tom’s listeners pray for him – in a good way, Dad. Seriously.

    I never talk about this because I believe that our creator puts us in a time machine, and we are all still just embryos in the Matrix. Tom has brought balance to the universal fairness between men and women. Humanity owes the mind of Leykis for waking us up to the myth of the whore. Tom tells us to cover our dicks from the whore’s sores, and not to impregnate her filthy womb. It’s very similar to Revelations in the New Testiment of the Bible.

    The first time I heard Leykis on the radio I had the exact feeling as the first time I heard my Lutheran preacher warn to avoid the whore when I was just a child. (Revelation 17:15). ‘Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. ‘

    So Leykis agrees with the bible on a deeper level than he realizes.

    Tom is as smart as Nicola Tesla, or Einstein, so let me explain the trinity. I know he’ll understand. God gave us free will. We pissed him off. He flooded the earth to drown the ancient civilizations and generations of Cain. Bringing up eating pork? Pigs have so many human traits, you will get cancer from pork because its basically human.

    We are an ant farm, and smaller yet, just a cell in God’s brain. Look up to the stars and see the inside of the mind of God. That’s how small you are.

    Once the ancients were drowned, gone and Noah’s offspring was the beginning of the new human race, God stopped being pissed off for awhile. Then they all traveled forward in time and realized that humans are 1/3 dark matter (evil). The only way to wash the dark matter from the souls of man is to ask for a frequency to communicate to God.

    The frequency has an ear and a mouth, and visits us like a wind. Its a spirit, but more than that; its a communication medium, just as you can plug in your computer with a cable, the TCP/IP protocol is exactly the same thing as the holy spirit. The trinity needs the holy spirit to reach us. The holy spirit is, or are, the humans who love you on the other side of the matrix. They will lead you into the white light if you just believe they are alive eternally. Its magic, sort of. Try believing for 5 minutes that you are eternal, and you will feel it.

    Hard to believe, and even the night before the Messiah was crucified, his own disciple was foretold to deny him. But the Messiah still forgave Peter.

    Jesus said, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you deny three times that you know me.”

    If Tom acknowledges the higher power even the last second of life, decades from now; we have assured Tom will be a part of that transmission medium called the Holy Spirit. All our ancestors are a source of white light that speaks to us and helps connect with God. The ‘helper’, or higher concience that writes the words on the yellow pad… your concience, your mind has a visitor, the helper.

    That’s why I know Tom is a time traveler, sent to awaken us to not be fooled by the whore..

  8. Jim H September 5, 2014 at 8:52 am #

    Prayer is just a reflection of the self importance Christians have. They believe they are so fucking important that their thought can alter the world. If there was a God he wouldn’t give a shit about some lying pussy like Mr. Rennie. CALL IN… Ya pussy!

  9. Joseph September 5, 2014 at 9:02 am #

    I hope Jesus touches me too haha

    • Cheesus Crust September 8, 2014 at 11:03 am #

      Ever tried Catholicism?

  10. Phil MaCrackin September 5, 2014 at 4:39 pm #

    I researched the bible and Tom is right, it’s the 9th commandment:

    Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

    Ex. 23.1 · Mt. 19.18 · Mk. 10.19 · Lk. 18.20

  11. capper September 6, 2014 at 2:12 am #

    for countless millenia of human history, there was no social stigma at all attached to fucking a 17 year-old. it’s only been within the last few decades that men have been shamed for it.

    nature is nature. fertility is fertility. biological programming is biological programming. society can bury it under the rug but it’s still there.

  12. Mike S September 6, 2014 at 5:17 am #

    Tom, You were correct… You shook the religious man up so much that he took down his video… I guess he did not have a Lawyer on Retainer… Another Troll Exposed…
    Great work Dad..

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