
Women Fighting In Middle Of Route 128 Outside Boston Caught On Video

A pair of the usual homely New England shrews beat the shit out of each other. Click here to see the video and learn more!

2 Responses to Women Fighting In Middle Of Route 128 Outside Boston Caught On Video

  1. Richard August 27, 2019 at 1:30 am #

    Is your leykis 101 book available for purchase from you?
    Will you be publishing a second edition for us poindexters that missed out on your first book?
    Help needed, and yes, I need your teachings more than most men.
    I’m the nice guy that nice guys laughed at, before I found your radio show.
    My numero uno life achievement………….
    I never had any children(…and zero possible surprises).
    I also don’t pay alimony to any bitches.
    Bad news, I use to pay chicks debts when I was 19 years old to my late 20’s.
    You saved my wallet and you allowed me to man up and start taking care of myself first, instead of taking care of other chicks while neglecting all aspects of my life.
    Tom I lost a job once by putting a womans needs before my own.
    Dad your teachings are needed.
    Your teachings need to be in a book, so men can be strengthened in proper dating knowledge and tactics chicks use against men. Why in book form? Because you won’t always be with us Dad, and that sincerely brings tears to my eyes as I’m typing this now.
    I needed your guidance as early as 12 years old.
    My Mom verbally brow beat my dad so bad that my dad would only ask me if I want to eat, or go to the junkyard with him. Silence was a constant, so I only learned from my Dad by observing him from infancy to current day. My dad only worked at his own autobody shop and never took time to teach me any aspect of life.
    All my life I starved for your teachings Tom. That’s why you’re my dad that I never had.
    I have deep gratitude for you Dad. If you’re ever in Dewitt, Iowa you’re welcome to stay in my home.
    I do have a weight lifting gym in my basement, with a stocked refrigerator, bed, flat screen, and comfortable leather chairs.
    I do have a quality life now because of you Dad.
    I also have a BMW Z convertible and my daily driver is a BMW 325.
    I’m fortunate to come across your radio show when I lived in Long Beach, CA.(1998-2012).
    I found your show around 2008. Thank you so much Dad.

  2. Fireblade October 4, 2019 at 10:20 am #

    Hey Tom

    Listened to all your utube shows ..Im from UK and its a big shame you’re not live on the radio again.

    The world needs more like you to retrain weak men ..

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