
15 Reasons to Date a Single Mom

No, we don’t recommend the opinions expressed in this so called “dating advice” article. We just don’t know where to begin to tell you how wrong it is!

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16 Responses to 15 Reasons to Date a Single Mom

  1. Matt October 26, 2013 at 10:51 pm #


  2. Damien October 27, 2013 at 2:38 am #

    Dating simgle moms is like to go to a restaurant, order nice meal and you’ll see only leftovers for you served in already used disces, this is what you’ll find with single moms..well unless it’s time to use the restaurant’s overused toilet! and the bill!!

    • Jav Verdugo December 6, 2018 at 9:08 pm #

      Agree! Single moms are very EASY!

  3. Javier October 27, 2013 at 5:29 am #

    For some reason it’s not a lasagna that I want a woman to be making me. It’s already established that she won’t swallow… otherwise that mistake could have just been a boost in protein intake.

  4. Zach Brown October 27, 2013 at 8:46 am #

    I am completetly in agreement with the typical reasons for not dating single mothers. It is best to avoid a relationship where the prospect of financial and emotional armageddon is sharply increased. Plus, children are not a necessity of career development and retirement planning. Solitude can have incredible rewards with greater flexibility with schedule and geography. With that said, there are a wide variety of single mothers. One woman I know who is a single mother has a masters degree from Duke University and her father is a tenured university professor. Another single mother I know is literally a rocket scientist and is a third generation woman in her family with a completed graduate degree. A friend from college has a law degree from harvard; his mother spent time as a divorced woman with a child (and remarried well). A woman with whom I was also acquainted at college has a bachelors degree from harvard, and her mother spent time as a divorced woman with a child (remarried to a well-known inventor). Al Gore also has a daughter who is currently a single mother. With all that said, it would still involve being around a child from a completely different relationship, and said child would likely necessitate considerable financial and emotional resources, from the non-biological de facto father. A relationship really has to be an order of magnitude better than being a bachelor. And I am a content bachelor. In this day and age, contentment as a bachelor is a blessing in uncertain times.

    • Charlie_Foxtrot October 29, 2013 at 7:23 pm #

      And all those women you mentioned are the exceptions to the norm. I have a cousin who has a law degree that she’s never used, preferring instead to marry wealthy men who can financially support her and her kids from another marriage,

      Fashions change. Trends change. Cultures change. But women remain the same.

  5. jpwhoregan October 27, 2013 at 2:03 pm #


  6. John Freeman October 27, 2013 at 8:16 pm #

    Not to mention the possibly of going to jail after the step child has accused you of abusing them after they didn’t get their way. I know several men this has happened to. One accusation of sexual or physical abuse will quickly land you in jail. And they will always take the child’s side over yours. And so will the protective mother. Don’t you remember Oprah telling her audience children don’t lie. And everyone will applaud another man hauled off to jail. It’s not worth it. They hate us anyway, don’t give them the opportunity to ruin your life.

    • stan October 28, 2013 at 12:30 pm #

      That is so true, so many men end up in jail from bogus accusations. Men also shouldn’t accept jobs working with children such as daycare, elementary school, church. coaching or scout leaders. Look at the cases of Michael Cardamone, Bernard Baran and Gerald Amirault, their lives ruined with no proof. Even if you don’t get charged, your reputation will be ruined and there is no way to prove your innocence.

    • Charlie_Foxtrot October 29, 2013 at 7:24 pm #

      [Clapping] Very well stated. I couldn’t agree more. The warning you gave cannot be repeated enough times over.

    • JRod January 9, 2014 at 8:36 pm #

      Oh, this very, very nearly happened to me. I just broke up with a girlfriend after 4 years. She has two kids from a prior marriage. I thought I could make things work . Right up until I yelled at the 10 year old for being an incessant, whining, spoiled little brat, and the next day at school she tells the guidance counselor that I “put a bruise on her”. It was total bullshit, she bruised her leg from kicking her bedroom door in a temper tantrum. Next thing I know, I’m being contacted by the local sheriff’s office for an “interview” about the matter, because the school called the cops. I told my dad that if I ever brought home another woman with kids, to shoot me in the fucking head.

      It’s so true…things start out great, then after months then years of watching incessant pampering, spoiling, and the ensuing mouthing off, temper tantrums, crawling into bed at night, constant demands for mom’s attention, even at night after they’ve had mom’s attention all fucking day, it gets old, wears on the nerves, and things eventually melt down. Do yourselves a favor, and STAY THE FUCK AWAY from single mothers.

  7. Axl November 1, 2013 at 12:09 am #

    7. She’s loyal — and is fiercely protective of her little brood.

    Are you kidding me? The hell with kids, I can’t even date a chick who owns a dog anymore!

    Fuckin stupid little rats gnawing at my ankles while I’m trying to get laid. I drop kicked a few of these yappy, dysfunctional, Sarah McLachlan rescued mutts, right through the uprights!

  8. Martin November 3, 2013 at 7:01 am #

    I would advise people to read the after-article comments – they are very encouraging for those who are “pro-male”. “EHarmony” advertises itself as a “Christian” dating website, but the male posters are not having it, and were VERY critical of the article and single momes.

  9. Steven May 29, 2017 at 4:49 pm #

    America is much more “beta” than ever.
    Woman use the caring ,problem solving,protective nature of men to
    their advantage more than ever before.

    It’s not natural for a Man to be told how to do things by a kid.Whether bio
    or step.
    In a single “mummys ” case, the roles are most always reversed, she becomes the “head” of the house.
    -defense attorney for the kid (s).
    -dictates the “rules”.
    -uses the man for whatever she can get.

    Lose ,lose situation for the man.
    Ca’mon dudes , let’s smarten up!

    God created “woman” to help the man period!
    “And your husband shall rule over you” Read first chapter of Genesis in
    the bible.

  10. Jessica March 29, 2018 at 12:13 pm #

    I’m a single mom. I’m educated, respectful, loving, and hard working. My body isn’t perfect but I would consider myself to be very attractive and most men check me out walking thru a restraint sadly even sitting with their wife. I’m positive, and I love my children. I have a masters from Clemson and make 75000 a year in SC. I was an ER nurse for 11 years. I cut my own grass and the elerly neighbor to my left and right if I have a moment. I truly believe I am a catch and all that to say…

    These blogs don’t make me angry. People usually have a good reason for callous perspective. I think most of you got chewed up and spit out just like me. I want to warn you that there is a balance in wisdom. Don’t learn to be so calloused that these rules overlook and cross out the very thing you were looking for to begin with. I believe nothing ventured nothing gained and I see lots of people die alone. That’s a different kind of broken heart. I can’t imagine it’s all about retirement, toys, and getting laid. All that stuff is great but you miss out on someone making your coffee in the morning, someone making your favorite cake from scratch on your birthday, and you miss out on that feeling when you collapse into someone after a really hard day at work. It’s sad really, the pain on your side and mine. But we were not wise with our choices. Stay open minded and reserved. Risk but not too much. it’s about getting laid by someone who loves you more than they love themselves at least it is for me.

  11. Jessica October 26, 2018 at 6:21 am #

    I can see thru the smoke and mirrors. Tom has a heart for unmentored men who get taken advantage of by any number of predators.. woman, employers, or social pressures even single moms. He has truly made not just a career but a crusade of giving men there confidence (balls) back. One of my favorite sayings is the first one thru the wall is the bloodiest and you took a lot of wounds ….but wow all the people you helped along the way. What a legacy you leave behind Tom, truly admirable. I hope to one day pass on to my son some of your self preserving wisdom. I’m greatful for the boys you have turned into men. Even me, a conservativeish single mom in South Carolina is going to miss you. Truly truly best of luck to you tom ❤️

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