
GEE WHAT A SURPRISE! New report says millions of women at risk of falling into poverty, economic ruin

According to a report by former California First Lady, Maria Shriver:

  • 75 percent of women wish they had devoted more time and energy to education and career — relative to 58 percent of the general population.
  • 73 percent wish they had made better financial decisions over the course of their lives — and so did 65 percent of the total survey group.
  • Low-income women are more likely than men to regret tying the knot when they did — 52 percent versus 33 percent.
  • And nearly one-third of low-income women with children wish they had postponed having children — or had fewer of them.

Gee, Maria, maybe the gals should do what your ex-housekeeper, Mildred Baena, appears to have done: get knocked up by someone else’s husband, then get him to buy her a suburban house and to make ongoing payments to get her to shut up? Now, there’s a way to stay out of poverty!

This is the product of women saying that they “don’t need men.” Here is the statistical and scientific proof that women do need men. And I feel absolutely no sympathy for those scandalous skanks who forge ahead having bastard kids without doing the math because crunching the numbers is just too much for the little ladies to bear. Boo fucking hoo hoo hoo!

I’ll think of the little ladies and their struggles tonight as I enjoy a fine red burgundy from my wine cellar. On second thought, no I won’t!

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One Response to GEE WHAT A SURPRISE! New report says millions of women at risk of falling into poverty, economic ruin

  1. MrD January 12, 2014 at 7:57 pm #

    Tom, I almost emailed this to you because it was on CNBC this morning. But, I figured that you would catch this story!

    Here’s a nice quote from the article:

    “I have always believed that women are not victims,” [Hilary] Clinton wrote. “We are agents of change, we are drivers of progress, and we are makers of peace. All we need is a fighting chance.”

    Hey Hilary, if women are not victims, then why bring attention to it at all? Why should they need any help from anybody? Seems a bit counter-intuitive to me. All they would have to do is get better educated and stop having so many damn kids with so many dead beats!

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