
Is a spanking ever justified?

Retired NBA star Charles Barkley exposed a hazardous culture clash in the Texas grand jury indictment of Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson for child abuse.

If parents are going to be sent to jail for giving their children a “whipping,” then “every black parent in the South is going to be in jail,” Barkley claimed.

Some people were upset that Barkley, a black Alabama native, singled out black people and Southerners. But as a fellow offspring of Southern parents, I know Barkley was not gratuitously playing a race card.

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4 Responses to Is a spanking ever justified?

  1. Natasha September 17, 2014 at 6:48 pm #

    I’m Natasha and I was accidentally cut off when I called in to the show today. Thanks for calling me back! I was with clients but could not answer the phone. I had so much more to say. I tried commenting on your FB page but it wont let me? Don’t know why but I wish I had the opportunity to address the uneducated idiots who were calling in!!!

    • Heinrich Evers September 19, 2014 at 2:10 pm #

      I’m not sure if you were the lady calling in and using your college education as source of authority to support the points that you were trying to make or not.

      Here’s my thoughts on the matter:

      If you’re going to say that you took Child Development and Psychology for your Masters program, maybe you should clarify your major and if your major for your M.A. was Psychology then maybe you should refer to actual APA references to prove your points.

      From what I could gather, you’re a Liberal Arts major, not a psych major otherwise you would have said something of benefit to support your argument.

      For the Latino man who was stating how corporal punishment is common in the Latin community, I agree with him. It really has nothing to do with his level of poverty or education that designates whether or not his community observes spanking / corporal punishment but I think its more culture related and I really do not see anything wrong with it as long as it is not done in anger, that the child is told why it is going to happen before the spanking is administrated, and that the child is told that it doesn’t take any of the love that the parent has for them after the spanking is carried out.

      As a child from a white family of college educated parents, my father is a Psychologist, and my mother is a Mycologist. They both hold Masters Degree’s in their fields of study.

      Hell, I helped my father with his Skinner box construction for his Masters Thesis with my pet Guinea Pigs and I helped my mother perform field specimen collection for the Mycology department at the university that they attended.

      To be honest, I was a little asshole, I was unruly and rebellious, I even established a Juvenile record and a four and a half year stint in the California Youth Authority in Chino, California.

      In hindsight, if my father had not spanked me with his hands, belt, spatula, wet hand, wet spatula to bare ass, I would probably either be in prison serving a 25 year sentence or I would be dead from running my mouth off to the wrong person trying to establish myself as some sort of authority figure to down-to-earth people.

      My family consists of four children (two brothers, one sister) I was the black sheep being the youngest and as belligerent as I was to everyone around me, I always respected my parents wishes (to a degree) temper tantrums where never thrown at stores and in public, nor at home because we knew that if we did we would either be instantly chastised and reprimanded on the spot.

      My father had no qualms about public discipline and I thank him for it because it has given me an old school respect for the world around me and how I treat others. I respect the opinions of those around me whether or not I agree or disagree with them, I’m no longer a felon, I hold a college education myself specializing in Information Technology and I hold well over 8 industry recognized certifications (Cisco Systems) including certification from my college and I’m still working on my 2 year degree holding a grade point average of 3.72.

      Without the discipline and guidance of my parents I would have never made it to college nor would I have ever held my academic standing.

      Being a reformed convict, ex-drug addict, and formerly homeless, I look back and I regret my actions that I did in my younger years as I am now 33 years old. When I see the Millinial’s spoiled rotten with no appreciation for the opportunity that they have expecting everything in life to be given to them because of people like you I wonder if this is because the core fundamentals of being a decent human being have been skipped because they parents failed to teach them to their children and instead gave them everything that they wanted in life, never told them no, never adequately disciplined them or even taught them the very meaning of what respect is and how it is to be given.

      To consider yourself a successful parent can only be speculated until your children have developed and their personalities can qualify them as to what I would consider to be a decent human being.

  2. capper September 19, 2014 at 9:14 pm #

    yes, it’s okay to spank a child under certain conditions, just as it’s okay to hit a woman UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES.

    everything else is PC nonsense.

  3. Beat like a Dog September 20, 2014 at 12:45 am #

    My father beat me with a 2×6 with 1/2″ inch holes drilled through it so it would swing faster and hurt more. If it weren’t for the ‘board of education’, I would have ended up a spoiled, communist piece of shit liberal Obama voter.

    I’m sincerely glad my father beat the living shit out of me, to save me from communism. Good luck to all of you socialist wimp Obama cock suckers who never got beat. I hope all of you end up living in tents in occupy parks, pooping in buckets, unemployed forever. If you’d have been beaten straight, you’d be rich and productive; but you coddled fools are worthless.

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