
It’s Not You: Why Women Are So Attracted To The Men Who Hurt Them

Your Professor always says it: “Treat women like shit and they’ll always come back for more.” Now, the scientific proof is in your pudding, ladies.

From Elite Daily:

Why is it so damn hard to find a good guy? Why is it so hard to get back that relationship that came so easily in high school and college?

Why didn’t anyone tell us dating would be a constant stream of almost-boyfriends and shit-head men who will say anything to get us in bed? Is it us? Are we just not hot enough? Not chill enough? Not perfect enough?

Read more…

Thanks to listener Jayson Weingarten.

5 Responses to It’s Not You: Why Women Are So Attracted To The Men Who Hurt Them

  1. Chris December 3, 2014 at 5:51 pm #

    Any boring, “too easy” guy who was passed up for a bad boy then has her coming back to him because he was her Plan B, C,… would be wise to learn about Poindexter’s Revenge.


  2. capper December 6, 2014 at 2:17 am #

    the professor was definitely the first one from whom i heard the “treat them like shit” strategy, so many years ago.

  3. capper December 6, 2014 at 2:18 am #

    oh btw… the author is definitely a cunt.

  4. capper December 6, 2014 at 2:23 am #

    sorry to spam this thread but …. this quote:

    “If we’re being honest here, let’s be real and say that most guys we meet aren’t sized up and down for who they are as people, but for how good they’ll look in our Instagram pics…”

    sums it ALL up…

  5. Dejay December 20, 2014 at 3:15 am #

    Well as the professor would say, a-holes get laid while nice guys buy dinner. The reward you get as a nice guy is becoming the Plan B or C to some chick who only looks at you as a human ATM and sperm donor in order to lock you into a relationship you’re not going to want.

    Think about it; most attractive woman in this country has had an array of men chasing after them since puberty. A few (and often, more than a few) have seen her naked, have received start to finish blowjobs, and have gotten sex from her in the most adulterous ways imaginable. The only reason she even talks to Poindexter is because she’s had one kid too many and/or is older and can no longer compete against the younger chicks who passed her by.

    The fallacy is that even then, the nice guy is still regarded as the standby, the fall back. Studies have shown that the more partners a woman has prior to marriage, the more dissatisfied she is in it. They are never looked at by their wives as a hot commodity. When she goes out with her girlfriends and they discuss all of the hot guys they banged over the years, hubby’s name never EVER comes up. The only time his name pops up is discussing something he does wrong, doesn’t do enough or is completely incompetent at doing (which is often sex).

    Face it; women are hypergamous. The top 80 percent of women only want the top 20 percent of men. They want a status symbol that they can brag to their girlfriends about and the man she ‘settles’ for and marries can never compete against this construct. Guys in this scenario can never win. They can have rock hard abs and an 11″ personality and still be thought of as a cheap substitute for the ‘real thing’ she had while in high school or college. Can you imagine what she thinks of a dude who doesn’t have those things going for him?

    Why settle down again?

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