
Just Say No: For white working-class women, it makes sense to stay single mothers.

From slate.com:

The economy has changed. A higher percentage of men today than 50 years ago have trouble finding steady employment, securing raises and promotions, or remaining sober and productive. Blue-collar men like Carl have lost ground while more highly educated men  have gained. The unemployment rate for all men ages 20–24 is almost 13 percent, and those with only a high school education are more than twice as likely to be unemployed as those with a college degree.

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6 Responses to Just Say No: For white working-class women, it makes sense to stay single mothers.

  1. DSK April 23, 2014 at 5:46 pm #

    If a MAN dumped a woman because she was unemployed or in a low-wage job, I pose the following questions:
    (1) Would not society be enraged at his leaving a woman in her time of need? and
    (2) Would the gainfully employed man be able to dump the unemployed woman and keep custody of the child like the woman can?

  2. John April 23, 2014 at 9:10 pm #

    The payday lines from the article:

    “The women ready for marriage in this group have grown larger than the group of marriageable men who would be good partners. These men—the ones with better jobs and more stable lives—have become more reluctant, in turn, to settle for only one woman. Their marital prospects have improved, and they could marry a reliable partner. Yet, with a choice of committing to a woman who outearns them or keeping their independence, the men seem to prefer their freedom.”

    Damn right we men are more RELUCTANT. We know the sideways horseshit those women are up to,

    ” Those who would promote marriage seek to do so largely by taking away Lily’s independence. ”

    Oh really? What about the MAN’S independence?

    “Modern family law protects the interests of elite men who make an investment in their children.” Any man that’s been to family court ONCE knows this is complete BULLSHIT. That’s why elite men have PRENUPS to make sure any chance encounters with that backwards, overbearing, short haired, bloody tampon we call the Family Court doesn’t fuck shit up.

  3. tomi roshi April 24, 2014 at 7:38 am #

    Don’t you love this comment.

    “Was Lily just being stubborn? Unrealistic about what it actually takes to raise a baby?”

    Yes she is stupid.

    Stupid to have children with a deadbeat and then blame him for his inability to be a suitable man.

    Fuck that bitch, she’s fucked up her life and the life of her children because she is a selfish, self entitled cunt.

    “Although it defies logic, socioeconomic, cultural, and economic changes have brought white working-class women like Lily to the point where going it alone can be the wiser choice.”

    Of course it defies logic. I have yet to meet a logical woman. Except maybe Holly from SLO.

  4. Jim April 25, 2014 at 4:47 pm #

    Why the hell would a man want to get married when marriage only makes the MAN a slave to not only a bitch but to the state? No thank you. I enjoy my freedom too much. Pump-and-dump then move on. If women don’t like it they can help us remove all of the silly man-hating feminist laws created the last half century. Otherwise no thanks.

  5. Tim Murphy April 26, 2014 at 5:19 am #

    Through marriage and family, a man’s worst nightmares can be realized. It won’t be Lily that loses her independence. It’ll be the naive fool that marries her. She’ll be screwing other guys in his former house, on his former bed, all with the former fools financial blessings and support. Several times every day, Lily will chuckle to herself at what an idiot the former husband must have been to marry her in the first place – mostly during sex with her former husbands former best friend and/or former boss.

  6. J.R. LeMar April 27, 2014 at 1:50 pm #

    For all of her talk about how she doesn’t care if “Carl” is ever in her or their child’s life, how much you want to bet that if he won millions in the lottery tomorrow she’d be running right to a lawyer demanding child support?

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