
PUSSY! Henry Rollins apologizes for suicide article

So, you took full advantage of the attention you would get by writing a piece for LA Weekly called “Fuck Suicide.”  Then, after the blowback and anger was even more than you’d imagined it would be, you folded like an accordion and wrote a follow-up apology called “More Thoughts on Suicide.”

You’re a big boy, Henry Rollins, and I believe that you knew exactly what you were doing, punk rock-style, when you tried to enrage people with the first piece. But your explanation for your apology is disingenous.

I believe that you apologized in order to protect your livelihood, such as it is today, to shut up anyone who might be jeopardizing the income you earn, not because you’re sorry.

These pathetic apologies are happening more and more as professional iconoclasts such as yourself try to get attention by being outrageous, then try to have it both ways by apologizing.

Are you trying to claim that you didn’t know what you were doing when you wrote “Fuck Suicide?” That’s bullshit. You’re 53 years old, and you’ve spent a lifetime showing everyone what an iconoclast you are. If you’re going to be outrageous, have the balls to say what you mean, and stand behind what you say.

Or just shut up.


One Response to PUSSY! Henry Rollins apologizes for suicide article

  1. Adrian August 27, 2014 at 3:41 am #

    To fuck suicide eww I have heard of many strange fetishes but oh wait yeah Henry Rollins went on and on about social depravity and ethos in his media for years I enjoyed many of it probably still will but like many entertainers I guess I like their material and not the artists. The most disingenuous individuals though are country singers and rappers.

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