
HERE’S WHY YOU SHOULDN’T FALL IN LOVE OR GET MARRIED: Robin Williams faced ‘serious money troubles’

From Radar Online:

In addition to his addiction struggle, the actor recently confided to a family friend that he had “serious money troubles,” and was worried about his family’s financial security.

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14 Responses to HERE’S WHY YOU SHOULDN’T FALL IN LOVE OR GET MARRIED: Robin Williams faced ‘serious money troubles’

  1. Kevin August 12, 2014 at 1:16 pm #

    So sad. Those women he married were gold diggers. If they were not, then they never would’ve accepted any money from him when the relationship ended.

  2. Steve August 12, 2014 at 1:45 pm #

    Suicide over money troubles due to divorce, when is this shit going to stop? When are guys going to wake up and realize marriage isn’t about love, it isn’t about commitment, it’s about financial security for women. But not just security, these bitches want it all! In their twisted minds they think they deserve it! Not only are these unfair divorce laws taking our money, they’re taking lives.

    So here’s Robin Williams, a well loved American actor and personality, swinging from a belt. A great talent taken way too early, financially gutted by his ex wives.

  3. Kevin August 12, 2014 at 2:13 pm #

    They get it all while you’re married and they get half afterwards. If women are so convinced they can get by without men, why would any self-respecting woman demand alimony? Get smart, guys, PAY THEM IN ADVANCE.

  4. Jim August 12, 2014 at 6:19 pm #

    Guys….do you get it ….. Y-E-T? Do….NOT……..get….married!

  5. James August 12, 2014 at 7:48 pm #

    I have no sympathy for these idiots. You warn them and they still get married, then they whine to you about how their ex’s are fucking them. It’s not her fault, it’s yours. And yes, I’m laughing.

    • Jim August 13, 2014 at 9:30 am #

      This.^^ Some idiots just don’t learn and never will.

  6. Michael August 13, 2014 at 2:26 am #

    I loved Robin Williams. I will dearly miss his presence.

    The desire to live surpasses all other desires. Including sex. Suicide goes against every fiber of your being. To deliberaty end your life takes resolve that exceeds the will to live. It’s not a cowards way out. It’s the exact opposite. It takes honor. Balls harder than steel. Resolution you’d never want to fathom. The ancient Japanese samuri took suicide to the next level practicing ritual called “seppuku”.

    I have a certain kind of ‘respect’ for (most) people who make the decision to end thier lives. Call me twisted. Call me warped. But that’s how see it. It’s the ultimate proof they saw no other way out. I’m not condoning it. Simply offering a different perspective.

    We can’t understand nor imagne just how bad things have to be for a person to get to this point. So we cannot judge.

    However getting to that point is a process. Perhaps the truth is that Robin Williams was a loving husband who turned to alcohol (and/or drugs) as a self coping mechanism after his first divorce or earlier breakups. Speculation. But divorce is emotionally devastating. Especially to a kind hearted open loving honorable man. Perhaps Robin Williams was this man.

    Now add money problems. Two divorces. 30 million dollars. Gone. Transferred. To the women who divorced him. He was in his 60s joking (or contemplating) working a normal steady job. That is a travesty. He earned every penny of his 30 million dollar nest egg. Only to lose it all through divorce. He married third time. Robin Williams still believed in true love. That is self evident. He may have been living in a separate room at the time of his suicide. If true this is a common pre divorce indicator. Losing everything with a third divorce would be enough for any man to contemplate suicide. Robin Williams actually did it.

    These women were nothing before they met Robin Williams. Yet soon after marriage it was reported one of the wives switched to her own goals, projects, desires, fund raising events, speeches etc. Things that were made possible by marrying Robin Williams which would have been impossible previously. Her thanks to the man who opened the vault to make this possible? Divorce papers, emotional and financial destruction.

    RIP Robin Williams. You will be dearly missed.

  7. lucy August 13, 2014 at 12:27 pm #

    James forgot one word in the sentence. Do not marry a TRAMP. men used to know better. Marry a tramp and you get what you deserve.

    Here’s my solution Men don’t want to marry me: no marriage, no sex. Go get a real prostitute and pay her I don’t do it for free.

    • Jim August 14, 2014 at 4:51 pm #

      I have an even better idea. Men should just stop getting married. Period.

  8. Gabriel August 13, 2014 at 9:52 pm #

    “Do not marry a TRAMP. men used to know better. Marry a tramp and you get what you deserve.”

    It’s stupid to tell men to keep pursuing a NAWALT. Eventually they all turn into AWALTs once you put a ring on it.

    • James August 14, 2014 at 12:53 pm #

      What man in his right mind is going to buy the product without trying it first. What if she’s a terrible lay, now you’re stuck with it. I don’t think so.

      • James August 14, 2014 at 12:56 pm #

        Worse, what if her vag is the size of the Grand Canyon. I’ll try before I buy thank you.

  9. DB August 13, 2014 at 11:36 pm #

    If I had been part of this year’s Dead Pool, I would have picked three famous divorced men who were dumb enough to get married and divorced at least twice and have paid the price through ENORMOUS community property settlements and alimony:

    1) Robin Williams
    2) Phil Collins
    3) Lionel Ritchie

    Google each one of them followed by “divorce” and you will see their high profile case as why, as Tom says, NO MAN SHOULD EVER GET MARRIED OR LIVE WITH A WOMAN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Marriage supports the divorce industrial complex which is utterly suicidal for a man. Robin Williams, RIP, is exhibit A. May you find eternal peace, Robin.

    My Dead Pool list is currently incomplete, please add more famous men’s names to it!

  10. Michael September 13, 2014 at 3:27 pm #

    Met the president and owner of a shipping company in my high rise building recently. He is self made multimillionaire. He drives a Tesla and has a beach-house. Why is this man living in a high-rise apartment bldg.

    He got divorced and now he has to live in an apartment. Because ….
    The judge is giving his beach house to his ex-wife! Last time I checked Beach-houses in Los Angeles don’t come cheap.

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