
Should my boyfriend charge me rent?

Holy fuck! You’re shitting me right? Another reason NOT to become a “boyfriend.”

Please read this and leave your comments below…


Thanks to listener Dan LaCob.

18 Responses to Should my boyfriend charge me rent?

  1. Carl September 1, 2013 at 4:20 pm #

    Tom PLEASE make this a show topic!

    • Tom Leykis September 1, 2013 at 4:28 pm #

      That will be our NEXT call-in topic!

      • Dean September 3, 2013 at 5:43 am #

        Tom…. I copied and pasted my reply to the subject to the actual thread on the yelp site. I also plugged the show at the end since you mentioned it being the next call-in topic which I assume is today. I sure hope my plug entices dumb bitches to call in and argue with you. Will be epic!!!! BLOW ME UP!

      • NickArroz November 19, 2013 at 10:49 pm #

        Helllllllooooo TOM!!!!

        I’m Nick, I’m the now ex-bf of “cuban Janice.” I just found out that you did a call in topic on my ex’s bullshit post on Yelp. Thank you for bringing this into your world and letting your listeners weigh in. I’d love to share more about the situation. BLOW ME UP TOM!!!

  2. Alissa September 1, 2013 at 7:00 pm #

    Holy shit, what a stupid cunt. I’m so tired of hearing about these lazy women. Get off of your asses, ladies! Quit expecting men to pay for everything and go support yourselves. I’m 32, single, no kids, live alone, and I pay my bills. If I can do it, anyone can. This woman has gone dutch with the guy for two years and now expects him to support her when she loses her job? I have two words for this dumb ass: Savings account. It’s fucking amazing. You put money away so, if something like that were to happen, you have a safety net.

    I wish it were socially acceptable to throat check these stupid women.

  3. Dean September 1, 2013 at 11:30 pm #

    DAMN STRAIGHT he should! Consider the alternative… if he pays 100% of the rent then he’s essentially paying for your presence. Wait, last I checked that would be an ESCORT. In the context of the story, this bitch is unemployed and brings nothing to the relationship except her presence. So he’s suppose to pull your dead weight and pay his way to your heart?? Sorry bitch, that makes you a WHORE. Prostitution is illegal, so is being a squatter you stupid fucking cunt! If you can’t afford to live with him… too fucking bad… get a job, and stop bitching!

    The fact that this bitch had a physiological reaction that made her sick to her stomach with the idea of paying HER part of the rent is PROOF that women are hardwired to EXPECT men to pay. Women equate money with romance where one cannot exist without the other. She said it herself… “I feel any romance to the situation was out the window”. Clear implication that money is required for “romance” to exist in a woman’s mind. Specifically money straight from a MAN’S pocket! So the fact that a man isn’t paying above and beyond his reasonable expected costs means he’s unromantic? A loser? Undesirable? Someone who would make you sick to your stomach? Wrong bitch, that’s simply a man standing his ground as protection against bitches like YOU! Live and learn men… don’t EVER be a boyfriend to a woman!!! They’ll kill your dreams, drain your accounts and fuck the neighbor as a thank you on the way out. FUCK ALL WOMEN!!!! Just use them for the cum dumpsters they are!!!

    • Kim May 9, 2018 at 5:33 am #

      Your the worst the way you talk about women should never even have one

      • Tom Leykis May 9, 2018 at 5:38 am #

        Lick my balls, darling.

  4. karen September 4, 2013 at 11:26 am #

    YES, a girlfriend should pay rent.

    any guy who lets their relationship skate on this , is a wuss .

    why the hell would one partner let the other skate free on rent, even if the sex is good, can you actually think you would marry a person who does not pay their share ?, and please do a credit check before even thinking of doing such a crazy thing as to let her/him move in.

    those who try to skate, have a credit line that is fake.

  5. Anne Irish September 4, 2013 at 2:47 pm #

    You should not live together until you are married. I am not a prude. My own experience and many studies bear it out that no matter what the end goal, living together is not a good deal. But if you do decide to live together, your BF should not be treated differently than any other roommate in that regard. You should not get a free ride or a discounted ride just because you are a women.

    Even if you marry, you should be contributing to your upkeep financially. Tom recommends a 50/50 split in expenses regardless of how much either of you make. I think that is unrealistic and I am a proponent of contributing to the expenses in the proportion to your respective incomes, which is what Suze Orman recommends. (Otherwise, the one making the greater amount will be forced to live at the level of the one making less. I can just see a millionaire living at the $20000 level just because his mate only make $20000).

  6. Anne Irish September 4, 2013 at 2:50 pm #

    Neither of you should be talking about marriage or living together if either of you is unemployed….sheer irresponsible nonsense….

  7. Film Exec. September 4, 2013 at 4:16 pm #

    As usual, the Professor is correct on the matter at hand. I’ve dated women who act sort of nonchalant initially. Probably decided to go out w/me based solely on my attire, vehicle, speech, etc. Then, they finally see my home and just “flip”. I’ve worked very hard (education, saving/investing, etc.) to attain the finer things in life. Never had a woman as blatant as Janice (most are more subtle about things), but SAME intentions. They’ll leave personal items (as if accidentally) as an excuse for a “return visit”. My position requires frequent travel & many women think that time w/THEM should supersede ALL other matters. It drives them crazy to take a “back seat” to higher priorities in a man’s life (putting them “on ice” as the Professor says). LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Dick Creamer September 4, 2013 at 4:28 pm #

    Elegid response from the BF
    8/30/2013 Nick R. says:

    I have some experience here. My now Ex GF posted here not that long ago. As a matter of fact, a few of the posters here posted on that as well. “Should by BF charge me rent?” I should first say that not all the facts were told in that post. I suggested we start talking about living together, she was unemployed but was very successful getting interviews and looked as though it wouldn’t be a prolonged unemployment. My opinion is that in a household, both people contribute, not just with chores but montearily too. My first suggestion was that she just pay what she was paying her current “roommate.” So it was a pretty short conversation, but she said she would think about it and we would talk later. The next day, we talked and she flat out declined. Little did i know, she was paying more than I expected ($700) and I told her what I was thinking, my expectation was around $300-$400 a month. After that conversation, came the post here on Yelp. About a week went by and she told me she posted here. I can’t say i was thrilled, but i didn’t flip out about it either. I understand why she did it, but I would have preferred that she sit down with me and really lay out her expectations for us living together instead of letting complete strangers who know nothing about our relationship weigh in. Once she found a job, which came not long after the post came out, I opened the discussion again and i suggested something different. I said how about this, you contribute $400/month, $100 will go to the bills (gas, electric, water, etc.) the other $300 will go into a joint savings account for the household that i will contribute to also. I wanted to build a household account so we could do things like fix the house up or even save for a vacation or something. At no point was me profitting from this ever in the equation. Again, I was told she would think about it and we would talk more about it later. Promptly, my offer was again declined without any real back and forth or other suggestions of what she wanted. At first, it seemed like it was about giving her a helping hand, which i acknowledge i was a bit insensitve about with my first offer, but I don’t believe i was being unreasonable or out of line by asking her to contribute money to our household, now that she was working.

    My house is not paid off, I have a mortage and while i don’t need her to help me to make the payment, my expectation was she would want to help in some way. Utimately, her offer was that she expected to do all the cooking and cleaning and buying of groceries. Don’t get me wrong, those things matter and are important. I told her, that my expectation was that those would be shared responsibities. As far as giving her a helping hand, she neglected to mention that I helped her with the downpayment so she could buy a used car so she could find a new job.
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    23 hours ago D-Loco C. says:

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    8/30/2013 Nick R. says:

    So when she said, “where is the helping hand?” That was kind of a slap in the face.

    Needless to say, her posting here changed how I felt about our relationship. It opened my eyes that it was more about her and how I could lower her cost of living than about building a household and a shared life together. Working together and living together. I just felt very take advatange of and taken for granted in this situation. I explained this to her and I was still the bad guy asking her to “pay rent” and killing the romance of us living together. Ce La Vie!

    • Barry G September 4, 2013 at 8:59 pm #

      If you look on the left side of her Yelp profile, there’s a link to a profile on another website. Her name is Janice Haywood and the page is http://www.threadflip.com/JaniceHaywood48214# . There’s a link where you can send/leave a message, although it’s not working for me. It might be that you have to sign up for the site to access that option. Have at it.

  9. PG September 5, 2013 at 10:30 am #

    I think it’s pretty generous for him to offer her the place. She only has to pay as much rent as her last place? Sounds like it’s an upgrade for her. That being said, going dutch is the best way to go, and she should get a signed contract for compensation if he starts expecting her to do his laundry, cook meals, mow the lawn, fill the fridge, etc. and still pay rent. There can be an extreme on both sides.

  10. Rolando Salcido September 9, 2013 at 12:26 pm #

    Dear Tom Leykis, Wow was listening to the show and decided to check it out. I am going thru a similar situation with my now Ex girlfriend. I felt Janice “CubanJanice” was talking about me. So I started reading the comments people where making. Low and behold my ex had commented it as well. I am tripping out Tom. We just recently broke up and she swore she wasn’t in the relationship for monetary reasons. Glad I dumped that BITCH

  11. Janice August 31, 2014 at 6:22 am #

    When I came across this late night a year later I had to respond, the pasted comment below is the “Whore in Questions response”.

    Original Poster Checking In:
    I was sleepless and for the first time ever Googled myself… Holy Guacamole! I found a conversation on the Tom Leykis website with my name all over it. BIG SHOUT OUT to my ex for keeping my name anonymous … NOT

    At the time I posted originally I had scheduled an interview with Yelp in the Marketing Department, I had seen how well some post had done and figured I would post a little something in Talk to have something to bring up in conversation in my interview. I had heard Yelp was big on hiring Yelpers with a long history of Yelping and I hadn’t Yelped much or had many friends. SO FIRST AND FOREMOST THANK YOU YELPERS FOR GIVING ME THE BRAGGING RIGHTS TO HAVING THE MOST RESPONDED TO TOPIC IN JUST A MATTER OF A FEW DAYS
    I am an Old Fashion girl and realize that my idea of an ideal relationship is out dated; I believed that once you are in a relationship in which you are speaking of family and marriage the ideology would be more along the lines of “Ours” and not “Yours & Mine”. I never shied away from picking up the check and never showed up empty handed so my feelings were hurt at the time that immediately after the invite to move in was the rental agreement, like signing the prenuptial agreement before being proposed to. YES, people I understand that is how it is done now days I was just hurt that it wasn’t “I love you, move in with me” and more “I will charge you less than you pay now for rent”.
    Truth of the matter, there were other issues besides just the finances, he is a good man and we spent the better part of 3 years together, I have no regrets and have no resentment towards him.
    My Ex and I lasted about three months after the post. I told him about the post almost immediately after posting it, so yes he has had the joy of watching some of you call me a prostitute.
    Finance issues break up more relationships than any other issue. I knew posting it exactly the way I would explain the situation to my BFF over cocktails would get the most response, I think I even ended the post with something along the lines of “LET ME HAVE IT”!
    I may suck at being a girlfriend, but I am damn good at marketing.
    As for my career, it’s back on track and I am currently employed as a marketing consultant (not Yelp) and have a great new apartment (alone).
    I cannot believe this thread is still alive…

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