
WE ALL KNOW WHY: I’ve worked at McDonald’s for 10 years and still make $7.35 an hour

As fast-food workers, we prepare burgers and fries, not balance sheets. We struggle to survive from paycheck to paycheck, without million-dollar annual bonuses or second homes. We often work behind the scenes—or counters, getting little of the credit for billions of dollars in company profits.

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5 Responses to WE ALL KNOW WHY: I’ve worked at McDonald’s for 10 years and still make $7.35 an hour

  1. Mike July 26, 2014 at 5:58 pm #

    Age 27, with 4 kids and can’t make it on $7.25 per hour at McDonald’s. No kidding Sherlock Holmes. You can’t afford any kids. Yet, it didn’t stop you from screwing without birth control and pinching out 4 pups. At least a dog has an excuse for not knowing better. As a human, you have no excuse. These sad sack stories are stupid. You made your bed. You screwed in your bed. Now live with it and quit bitching about how you and your kids “deserve” better. You don’t “deserve” anything more than what you have. Where is the man (men?) who did the nasty with you and created these kids? Prison? Deadbeats? Losers? Jerks? Drug addicts? Drunks? They mounted up, blew their load and ran away just like a stray dog. Great. Just great.

    • MIkey T July 26, 2014 at 10:12 pm #

      It only takes six months to get a certificate from any community college as an EKG tech, phlebotomy tech etc. The author is right her children deserve better, BUT it is authors faul for not putting six months of training to get a real job. Grow up and get a grownup’s job!

  2. David Richardson July 27, 2014 at 5:32 am #

    If you’ve worked at McDonalds for ten years and are not a manager you are seriously fucking up! I worked there for three and a half years during high school and could have been a manager, but instead decided to quit.

  3. j ramlow July 27, 2014 at 9:21 am #

    I will never patronize any place that pays the loser fast food worker 15 an hour. There is no way they deserve that wage. If they want more pay then go back to school and get a better job.

  4. Daniel July 28, 2014 at 7:16 pm #

    I don’t know about what everyone else thinks, but when I worked a fast food job, I was embarrassed. I did not like to tell people that I worked at Blimpies.

    Why would you want to call attention to the fact you work in a low level job for ten years? Fast food jobs are like fat chicks, you do them because you don’t have another option, you don’t broadcast that you have one. Once you have better options, you get something better.

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