
Florida Man Tricked His Pregnant Girlfriend Into Taking Abortion Pill

10 Responses to Florida Man Tricked His Pregnant Girlfriend Into Taking Abortion Pill

  1. capper May 18, 2013 at 5:50 pm #

    they will throw the book at him.

  2. Ryo May 19, 2013 at 12:33 am #

    You sure that isn’t Dino? It seriously looks like him…

  3. Justin May 19, 2013 at 10:16 am #

    Just out of curiosity, did “THEY” decide to go through with the pregnancy, or did SHE make the decision for the both of them? Yes, he’s an idiot for not using protection – HOWEVER – just because a woman gets pregnant, that doesn’t mean she HAS to go through with the pregnancy. If two people decide they want to bring a child into the world and raise it together, that’s one thing. But you don’t force someone against their will into becoming a parent, and having them fork over a chunk of every paycheck for the next 18+ years. Becoming a parent should be a JOINT decision; not “‘I’ want to have this baby, so YOU’RE going to have to pay for this decision that ‘I’ made on my own without YOUR consent because ‘I’ want to bring a child into either an environment of resentment or what’s worse, an unstable or broken home!

    Yes, guys should always wear protection. But ladies? Talk to your man first and if he has expressed to you that he’s not interested in having babies, keep your legs closed and move on to someone who would be okay with getting you pregnant.

    “Everyone dreams of becoming a Mom.” Please! You get an idea of where this chick’s priorities are from that sentence. Shouldn’t everyone’s dream be of earning a degree, starting a great career, being a self-sufficient and productive individual and becoming financially independent so that you can afford children without having to hold someone else’s wallet hostage in order to pay for your so-called dream?

  4. Ian May 19, 2013 at 12:33 pm #

    The fact that he’s being charged with first degree murder is absurd. When a woman wants an abortion the cells aren’t a human, but when a women wants to keep the child it somehow becomes a human? I’m not saying this man didn’t commit a crime because he definitely did, but this is not first degree murder, as a 6 week old cluster of cells is not a human being. Roe v Wade backs me up on that one.

  5. Ryan McGrath May 19, 2013 at 3:06 pm #

    I’m happy to be childless and supposedly bitter.

  6. DrHarryLime May 19, 2013 at 8:11 pm #

    How about the precedent this could set if he is found guilty? Men face all sorts of allegations from bitter exes, now we can add “he tricked me into taking an RU486 pill” to the list. Next it could be “I was pressured and coerced into getting an abortion”. Rubber up or get the snip folks.

    How many men would be dumb and cheap enough go to the mother of their girlfriend for medical advice? Or any professional advice on anything? Baby Jeebus wept.

  7. Elaina May 20, 2013 at 11:05 am #

    Male reproductive rights need to be addressed immediatly- this is why these things happen


  8. Ed Rock May 20, 2013 at 7:01 pm #

    Bad move. He should have taken her to a theme park and got on a few roller coasters or gone out to the desert 4-wheeling or something else, but not this. At least crush up the pills and sneak it in her cocoa puffs, man. Jeez

  9. Neo May 27, 2013 at 9:51 am #

    As I have repeatedly advised my sons. “If she swallows, she can’t get pregnant.”
    As I have repeatedly advised my daughters. “Keep your fucking legs closed.”

  10. Stray May 31, 2013 at 10:44 am #

    I’m torn on this one? While I don’t think a guy has the right to invade the woman’s body and get rid of the fetus, what other recourse do we have? On one level I see this as the same thing as waking up one morning and your girl says, “I don’t want kids, so I cut your balls off while you were sleeping.”

    Should we make sex contracts? “I don’t want kids, so if you get pregnant it’s on you. So here, sign this.” Would that be enforcible? I would love to see a girl pop in and say, “I’m pregnant!” And the guy says, “Sorry honey, you signed the contract! Have a good life. Bye.”

    When I was a stud in my 20’s I made it perfectly clear to the girls I dated, I don’t like kids, I don’t want kids and my friends who have kids are not welcome in my house with them. While this may sound crass it definitely separated who I wanted to date and who I didn’t? For the girls who ran crying about how horrible I was? Fine, bye-bye. I went with the girls who said, “Cool, I don’t like them either, been on the pill since I was 12!”

    I never had any kids or even a close call, but that was a long time ago. Girls now seem to think they have an inalienable right to pop out a baby whenever they feel like it? Then sue some poor schlub for his money for the next 18 years! Huh?!? Borrowing a line a line from the song “Ms. Jackson,” “It’s a baby, not a paycheck!”

    So I ask again, where are the men’s rights? I’d really like to see those sex contracts!

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