
Inspiring Email From Eric

Hello Tom,

I am a big fan of yours. I first found you on YouTube around two years ago and I have to admit that it is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. 

I have learned a lot of things about not only myself but about life in general. It is because of people like you that I’ve woken up and realized that taking control of your own life is the only way to become successful. In the past, I’ve always had a goal to land that “dream job” at a large corporation. I thought to myself that this was the only way to find success. Little did I know that once the economy plummeted, so would everyone else. There is no loyalty in big companies. There is no respect. There is no appreciation. Everyone is expendable at the end of the day. 

The reason why I’m writing to you today is because I would personally like to thank you for speaking the truth about big companies and for standing up for men. I have started my own clothing line because you made me believe in myself. You made me realize that you cannot rely on anyone but yourself. 

I’ve been hearing about Liz advertising her t-shirts on your show and that’ has inspired me to do the same. I would like to get some information if this is possible. 

Thank you again Tom and keep fighting the good fight.

Your loyal listener.

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