
New Massachusetts alimony law called a ‘model’ — but is it working?

Just more than a year ago, Gary Young was sentenced to 120 days in Middlesex Jail in Cambridge for failing to come up with $20,000 for his wife’s lawyer during their divorce proceedings in Cambridge Probate and Family Court. He was found in contempt of court and led away in handcuffs and leg irons.

“It was the most humiliating thing,” says Young, who is from Sudbury. “I’m in there with gang bangers and drug addicts and felons. I had no criminal record. I have a pharmacy degree and an MBA. I was a Marine.”

Six days later he was released by Judge Patricia Gorman after family and friends raised the $20,000. But shortly after, before his divorce was finalized, Young, who was unemployed, took a dramatic step to protest the system he says failed him and the new alimony law he says isn’t being enforced.

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Thanks to listener Steve Myers.

3 Responses to New Massachusetts alimony law called a ‘model’ — but is it working?

  1. John October 21, 2013 at 4:31 pm #

    Holy Shit Dad!!!!

    This is INFINITELY WORSE than most men realize. This is not only an example of judges making up rules on the fly. It’s an example of judges DISOBEYING laws on the books! How’s a guy supposed to win if the judge (oddly enough a woman – so we know where her allegiance lies) if the rules are not only changed but adjudicated law isn’t even followed by the JUDGE.

    Talk show logic takes over and men ARE SUNK!!

  2. John Freeman October 21, 2013 at 8:02 pm #

    Welcome to America! Get married, go to jail! The most dangerous thing a man can do, is get married. You enter into a contract, that the odds are will end badly. If you need companionship, you’re safer dating escorts. At least you can pay the woman to leave!

  3. karen October 22, 2013 at 11:51 am #

    this is bull shit, how the hell is a man supposed to live, a divorce is a divorce , the more i read stuff like this the more i dont have respect for other females , i hope this man wins his case some day

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