

I voted for Barack Obama. Twice.

I had my reasons. Fed up with George W. Bush. Wanted someone more intelligent who wouldn’t embarrass us. Wanted a fresh approach. Wanted someone who, at least, wouldn’t appear to be owned by Wall Street, banks, and multinational corporations. Plus, Obama was the person of color with the best chance in history of winning and I wanted to support that.

I understand that the Republican Tea Party conservatives have tried to hold up every piece of Obama-sponsored legislation and every nomination and I believe that there is a racist overtone to the motivation behind it.

Yet, developments in recent weeks have forced me, a two-time Obama supporter, to reevaluate my support:

  • the Affordable Health Care website debacle including the bumbling in putting the site up, Obama claiming to not be informed about the problem, and the White House revealed to have put up the site by issuing itself a waiver from the usual safety procedures meaning health records and Social Security numbers entered by applicants were at great than normal risk (see here);
  • the lies about what would happen to people’s healthcare coverage and the continued refusal by the White House to answer openly and honestly about what people were promised and what is being delivered;
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel telling Obama to stop listening in on her phone calls. Obama claiming not to know anything about it;
  • The continued surveillance on our own citizens by the NSA, including millions who are not a threat to our country.

Obama’s approval ratings are at record lows, and we can’t blame this on Fox News or Republicans or the Tea Party. It’s his own fault.

Obama becomes more distant and defensive with each passing day. Even many of his own supporters have now jumped off the boat.

And so have I.

I am done with Obama.

15 Responses to OBAMA: TOAST!

  1. number1fan November 5, 2013 at 5:19 pm #

    I think Obama has great social skills, speaking skills but that doesnt translate to leadership skills. He is not a leader. Even though most of the press is liberal in leaning he rarely answers questions from the press. He is not accountable for anything his administration does wrong. The ACA is called Obamacare for a reason. It is his baby. Yet he is taking none of the responsiblity for its problems. The nsa and cia are basically able to run wild and are not accountable to anybody including congress or the president from what I can tell.

    Heres to HOPE for the President to CHANGE and turn around the next few years of his presidency.

  2. A Patriot November 5, 2013 at 8:43 pm #

    Bout effin time Tom! I have always been avid listener of your show and you have taught me so much but you, like many, were under the spell of this POS. Glad to see you come out and admit the obvious.

    You have the power to reach many. Use it to spread the truth about this POS and his plans for the country. Start with a little segment on Cloward and Piven and how BO is using their model to collapse this Republic.

  3. Superman November 5, 2013 at 9:41 pm #

    I amazed anyone was ever duped by this windbag. Forget his party and policies: He was a celebrity president. (Much more so than Reagan, who had long put his celebrity years behind him). This country is ruthless on our celebrities. We will put them up on a pedestal for a while, like they are the greatest human ever. Sometimes that lasts a decade or more. But, the faster the shoot up, the faster they fall. Obama was a shooting start.

    You can’t make all the promises he made. The only way to make such promises and keep doing it in the face of overwhelming evidence is to be a pathological liar. That is what Obama is. He is so narcissistic that he believes that if he just says something, it will be true.

    The other thing I never trusted about Obama was his pseudo cool factor. You could see his photos from high school, and read interviews about him from high school, and he was always the “cool guy.” The cool guys from high school either turn into losers, or they turn into sociopaths.

    You, Tom, and most of your listeners – we were not the cool guys in high school. But we worked hard and did better those losers as adults.

    Watch him over the remainder of his presidency. He is going to crumble. Narcissists always crumble when they get no longer get their ego fed. It will be visible to all of us. Actually, it will be very scary to watch. We have never had a president remain in office and crumble to pieces.

    • Realist November 6, 2013 at 10:12 am #

      Question, what other promises are you talking about? I’ve heard this ridiculous claim so many times in regard to Obama, and yet none of you can come up with an actual example. And when you do, it’s more like a goal or an objective. Of course it’s hard to get anything done when you’ve got the opposing side basically ready to shut down the government if they don’t get their own way.

      • ODrama November 6, 2013 at 10:08 pm #

        Realass, here’s a few, but if you need a few hundred more, just whine and bitch some more:

        Obama told aides that drones make him ‘really good at killing people’

        Promised not to prosecute medicinal marijuana dispensaries, then sent the DEA after them.

        Broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay

        Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval

        Said the health insurance mandate was not a tax, but later told the Supreme Court that it was

        Illegally solicited donations from health insurers

        Waited until after the 2012 election to release unpopular Obamacare rules

        Increased the national debt more in one term than Bush did in two

        Lied about the Benghazi attack

        Claimed ‘Fast and Furious’ illegal gun walking began under the Bush Administration

        Called Fort Hood shooting “workplace violence” instead of “Islamic terrorism”

        Supported the $700 billion TARP corporate-welfare bailout just like Bush

        Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton – just like Bush did

        Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any

        Supported Bush’s unconstitutional Patriot Act

        Agrees with Bush’s support of unconstitutional, indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without filing any charges

        Agrees with Bush’s support of unconstitutional, warrant-less wiretapping

        Avoided prosecution of Wall. St criminals

        In 2008, Obama promised that he would pass an immigration bill during his first year in office.

        In May 2008, Obama said, “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.”

        However, just one week later, Obama was photographed exiting an SUV.

        In addition, Obama keeps the White House thermostat turned up so high that David Axelrod, Obama’s senior adviser, said, “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”

        Obama had a chef fly round trip from St. Louis to Washington D.C. so he could make Obama’s favorite pizza.

        Purchased 2,717 mine resistant armor protected vehicles for use on civilian streets in the U.S.

        Had four U.S. citizens killed without judicial process

  4. Film Exec. November 5, 2013 at 9:48 pm #

    I totally DISAGREE with all of this anti-Obama, whining “pity party”. Like ANY man (former Pres. ), he has his flaws. You name me one (among the prior 43) who’s been without mistakes along the way. Ultimately, the ACA will prove itself a very beneficial act for this nation. Like other behemoths, SO. SEC. & MEDICARE, there will be bumps along the road to greatness (American acceptance/appreciation). Obama doesn’t “walk on water”, but sure as hell beats the other option (bat crazy GOP/Tea Party). Hillary Clinton is going to be a great follow-up, as well. So calm the hell down…….haters!

  5. Debt Reaper November 6, 2013 at 12:43 am #

    Soros’ puppet Barry has done exactly what he came to do, all while the politically correct douchebags are still laughing and don’t realize this country is in freefall and we’re about to splatter on the economic pavement. Remember the Northridge earthquake when cars were driving over the cliff of the collapsed freeways? That’s what it looks like to me. All you dumb asses who thought THE most liberal freshman senator that always voted ‘present’ (not yes or no) had the experience to lead this nation had your heads up your asses, and once your precious currency is worth less than toilet paper, you’ll all wonder why you didn’t see it coming. Tom, congratulations for waking up, but its too late. The US as we know it is basically over. Enjoy all that debt when interest rates rise boys. Glad you had a nice party. Take me out obamacare style, Tom..

    • Realist November 6, 2013 at 10:09 am #

      The fact that you have to bring Soros into the argument just shows that you have nothing new to bring to the table (including facts). To people like you, Soros is just another name you heard on some jerk-off rightwing website that like you, has no clue. Of course, it’s hard to take any of you so-called conservatives seriously when you voted George W Bush into office twice!

      • Putin 2016 November 6, 2013 at 11:41 am #

        I just fired my employees and downsized because of O-communistcare. I won’t be contributing my wealth to Saul Alinsky’s commie playmate, and neither will the majority of the job creators, and that’s why you see your O-cardboard utopia crumbling now. If the USA is going to turn communist anyway, I personally would rather live in Russia where the gays are thrown in jail, and there are hot chicks everywhere! Putin 2016!

  6. Ted in Fort Wayne November 6, 2013 at 6:51 am #

    Better to wake up late than to not wake up at all.
    Next step up will be dumping that fucking femin$tazi bitch Feinstein, but realistically speaking, BOTH Establishment parties are owned by & represent the same, old-money, filthy-rich people…
    And as CCR put it, “Don’t look now, but it ain’t you or me!”

  7. Tim November 6, 2013 at 1:25 pm #

    If its such a great program and deal why is it that the government it’s self doesnt use it! BS over priced… I have found a better deal else were…

  8. sheesh November 7, 2013 at 6:44 am #

    I can remember telling people this guy won’t be any different than Bush. I was told I was a racist and idiot. Race had nothing to do with it. These “friends” had stopped talking to me because of it. NOW look at this.

    • Mike November 13, 2013 at 8:50 pm #

      Hey I’m with ya. I’m sorry to see Tom throw out the race card. Please…that bullshit accusation is SO fucking old! I don’t care if he’s black as pitch, green with orange polka dots, or an albino. Who gives a shit? I don’t like the fucker because hes…..*drum roll*….a politician. Does anybody REALLY think any of these jokers are going to look out for anyone but themselves? I mean come on!

      BOTH parties are fucked people. Get that through your heads for crying out loud!

  9. DJ Particle November 13, 2013 at 9:13 am #

    I don’t know how much weight you give the Daily Kos, but it seems, those plans that are getting cancelled? They were supposed to be grandfathered in. Looks like 2 insurers already are getting raked over the coals for cancelling plans.


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