
SHOULD THIS REALLY BE ILLEGAL? U.S. penalizes lenders over maternity-related mortgage discrimination

It doesn’t get much publicity compared with other home mortgage issues, but it appears to be a persistent problem: Lenders and mortgage insurers allegedly delay or deny loan applications when a borrower is pregnant or heading for maternity leave.

Their rationale: When a borrower or co-borrower is on maternity leave or expected to be on leave, mortgage companies assume that the household income may decline for an extended period, or the woman may not return to the same employment and salary, thereby increasing the risk of delinquency or default.

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5 Responses to SHOULD THIS REALLY BE ILLEGAL? U.S. penalizes lenders over maternity-related mortgage discrimination

  1. Andrew July 6, 2014 at 1:48 pm #

    I don’t know how being on maternity leave would effect the banks determination to grant a loan or not. If the lendee is really on leave they will get their job back making the same pay, by law… What kind of woman is buying a house during pregnancy? Why not do it before or after? It seems like a very stressful situation on top of another stressful situation.


  2. Jack July 6, 2014 at 2:32 pm #

    If you haven’t bought a house prior to spitting out offspring, you can’t afford a house. Losers.

  3. Raul Pelcastre July 6, 2014 at 10:42 pm #

    Another law where there’s a woman or a pussyfied men behind. It makes perfect sense because there’s more risk for something to happen in pregnancy. Can’t they see its business first.
    A Ca real estate agent.
    Raul Pelcastre

  4. Joel Zabish July 7, 2014 at 6:58 am #

    The executive director of MomsRising believes this quote is an OUTDATED OPINION OF WOMEN by money lenders- “the assumption that a woman’s commitment to the workplace ends or diminishes once she has a child or that a birth in the family will mean the mortgage payments will stop or be late.”
    OH, this is how women used to be in your opinion? But not anymore?! ANY lender should have the right to deny a loan based on the probability of that loan being paid back. Offspring costs money. BIG money! Lenders are to pay NO MIND when loaning 100’s of thousands to those deciding to spawn?! That should be law? Run some real numbers sweetheart. Female breeders aren’t earners. Fuck You

  5. christopher July 7, 2014 at 6:59 am #

    So you are a loser if u cant afford a house, or if you just don bother to buy one for whatever reason or if you dont buy one b4 you have kids… wow just wow… but im still confused… enlighten me great sage.

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