
The Most Racist City In America: Boston?

Your Professor believes that Boston is the most racist city in America. And Gawker agrees.

3 Responses to The Most Racist City In America: Boston?

  1. Bobby April 17, 2013 at 6:00 am #

    Tom you have hit the nail on the head again..

    The show on Tuesday showing the true color* of Bostonians..

    These uptight ass hat mother fucking idiots can dish it out, but can’t take it..

    Keep it up Mr. Leykis and gawker is always a great read..

  2. Z April 17, 2013 at 6:16 am #

    The Worst Thing About The Bombing Is They Did Not Get Tom Brady And Rondo

  3. Bubjay April 17, 2013 at 3:01 pm #

    The truth absolutely hurts

    “Real Pisser, Ahhn Chowderheads !”

    MASSholes Control

    The problem with the entire New England region is people really do go out of their own way to be impolite to others, (In NE vernacular ” Be a Wicked Prick, Just Because”)

    It’s a pschyche issue . People hate their own lives so they project their disappointment with their situation in an area of the Country where the weather is harsh and the cost of living has exceeded what the Average Joe can afford and have disposeable income remaining

    The only people in Boston Area that are half way polite , are people who were not born their. As in college students at BC, Tufts, MIT, Harvard and, Foreigners

    No disrespect to Bostonians, effected by the Marathon bomb, Terrorism is no laughing matter and Ill openly admit my hometown NYC isn’t much better in Human civility (1 minute 10 seconds Sorry Professor)


    It would be better to face the facts by all Bostonians, fictional characterizations portrayed in movies such as Good Will Hunting & The Departed along with the 80’s stand up act of Dennis Leary are not an exaggeration but a real portrait of the deliberate nastiness of New Englanders

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